
I was at a party yesterday evening. It was a strange one – a mixture of Birthday party, celebrations for my and my friend’s passed soroban exam, and a farewell party… My soroban friend is leaving Japan and will go back to his home country for a while. He is planning to come back some time in spring next year, and I hope he will do enough training to pass his next soroban exam, after all he still has to match my grade…

It feels strange not to have him around for a while. We were not really close, but whenever I needed help with some particularly onerous task (like getting internet), he would be my go-to person. He would solve the problem quickly, efficiently, and without complaining. In return, I would introduce him to all sorts of strange restaurants and places he would not have gone alone (neither would have I, but that’s beside the point). If he ever develops an addiction to Tiramisu, you know who’s to blame…

My friend working on his sorobanMy dear friend, I hope to see you again next spring during hanami. I hope your plans unfold smoothly and without hiccups. And if there are any, I hope you’ll find a friend over there just as helpful and patient as you were mine here.

Take care!