Yesterday, I have finally received my new zairyu residence card! It is valid for one year and allows me to work as “Business Manager”. I have to say, I feel extremely grown up! Now it’s time to start doing what I promised to do in exchange for the visa. 😉
Interestingly, it comes with additional paperwork. Technically, the visa I have is “multiple entry”, meaning that during its term of validity, I can go abroad as often as I like and still retain the visa. Usually, you get a stamp into your passport stating exactly that, but not in Japan. The Japanese, ever fond of yet another piece of paperwork, require you to fill in a form at every departure. The form is called “Embarkation card for Reentrant” and you need to tick a box that says “departure with special reentry permission” if you are a resident in Japan (tourists don’t need this). Apparently, this will be stapled to your passport – effectively in exchange for the “Disembarkation card” everybody gets when entering Japan. I really hope I will not forget this next time I am going abroad…
However, for now I’m not going abroad, but I will visit this year’s yoiyama tonight. It seems there’s a typhoon approaching, and tomorrow may be raining…