Gaijin House

The place I am staying in until I’ll get a job and a decent apartment is called a “gaijin house”, a sort of student’s dormitory for foreigners with private rooms and shared facilities. It is a way to stay for a longer time without resorting to expensive hotels or couch surfing. My tandem partner Tomoko even once stayed in a gaijin house – she said she wanted to brush up her English at that time.

I stay in Ebisu’s, an 80 year old traditional Japanese house near Kyoto University. Here is my new room:

my room in the guest houseIt’s a beautiful traditional Japanese room with straw mats (tatami) on the floor; one tatami is about 1×2 metres large, so my room with six tatami has about 12 square metres. The left door you can see above is the door to the wardrobe, this is about one square metre extra. Tatami, despite looking very robust, are rather delicate, so you’re only allowed to enter with socks. Also, as they can bear no heavy furniture, those rooms are usually empty, but this has the advantage that they can be used in any manner imaginable. In the photo you can see the futon I have put in the middle of the room, since then I have added a small low table to one corner at which I’m sitting right now. Usually, you do everything in these rooms kneeling on the floor. I don’t mind that at all, in fact I have liked to do this since I was a child. Sleeping on the futon on top of the tatami is great also, and as you should remove the futon every day as way of making your bed (although I may be too lazy to do this…), it means that you are not squandering precious space on a bed you don’t need during the day.

The best thing about this room, however is the view. You can see the hospital in the center and the university to the right:

the view from my room I think it’s spectacular. Why? Because views as a whole are not easy to come by in Japanese houses. Look at the small houses above – most of them are built on a lot that’s not much bigger than the house itself, with a bit of luck there’s maybe half a metre space around the house. This of course means that in the best case your window (especially downstairs) looks onto the next house’s wall, in the worst case it’s the window of your neighbor… Space is precious in Japan, and I am sure even those houses are very expensive. So, I’m very happy to live in a place with a sunny room that actually has a gorgeous view as well.

Anyway, I have already found out a few quirks about this house:
– The wardrobe is…odd. It’s a solid, one square metre thing – but there is no space to hang clothing – there is a board halfway up. Well, kimonos are folded and laid flat of course, and so are my tshirts, but other stuff…
– The walls are thin. Very thin. Although my flatmate is very quiet, I can still hear him moving about.
– The staircase is very steep, on the verge of being dangerous.
– The house is draughty. It’s still rather cold in the night (less than 10 degrees), and the windows don’t close properly. Sitting on the desk after sundown gets chilly very soon. Of course this is an old house, but I have heard this is true even for modern buildings. Single glazing is standard, and as central heating is uncommon – Japanese only heat the room they are in – proper insulation is not really a big issue here. Japanese houses are built for the hot, humid summers, and not for the cold winters, it seems.


I closed the door to my apartment in Germany on Friday at about 15:15. Without a friend there then, I would have completely missed the significance of the moment – with this small act I closed the door to my old life.

my ticketstubs

Anyway, moving on and closer towards the airport, I stayed at a friend’s place before getting up early to catch my flight to Japan. Which, except for a hefty fine for excess baggage at the beginning, went blissfully uneventful. On the short layover in Taipei I spotted a small bistro called “Iris” – not something you’d expect in China. After arrival on Kansai airport, I splurged on a shared taxi to bring me to Kyoto, and I finally got the keys to my new apartment on Sunday at about 15:30, after a trip of slightly more than 40 hours altogether.

I am still pretty exhausted as for the last week or so I only slept 5 hours per night or so. And that’s on top of the jetlag. So, I shall suspend starting my new life for another day – but it’s okay as it’s the last of the Golden Week holidays today anyway. There is an enormous feeling of freedom in this stage “in-between”.

In any case, I’ll go and explore the surroundings a bit later. There should be a supermarket close by…


I have been packing all week. Choosing and packing and throwing away and choosing again. It was very exhausting, especially making the choices of what will come and what will go was difficult. Interestingly, I could let go of many things that two months ago – when I was doing the same in the old house in Austria – or even last week, I found indispensable.

The weekend before last, I met a Canadian who has done the same thing as I am doing – he left everything because he wanted to live in Germany. He also got rid of lots of things and describes the feeling as cathartic, and yes, it truly is.

an empty roomSo, this morning the moving company came to pick up what I could not leave behind. In the end it turned out that all possessions of my life, accumulated in its thirty-eight years (including a few random bits and pieces of my family), all of the things I apparently need to feel a sense of home and belonging, amount to eight cubic meters. Recall that what I brought from Austria a couple of months ago measured twelve cubic meters, and that was not counting anything I had in my apartment here. So I think I did a good job of letting go, for now at least, and it does feel liberating.


Somewhat at least.

Thinking that all my life for what it’s worth fits into 41 boxes and a suitcase…

I’m either a hero or a loser. Take your pick.

Flea Market

Flea Market ItemsToday I have another flea market at my place.

This is the fourth I have in five months – two of them were in Austria. It’s not so much about the money – I don’t expect making a fortune, but it’s about lightening the load somewhat. I hate throwing things away that are still “perfectly useful”.

Yet another one of those habits learnt in childhood that are not always useful…


Friday, April 12th was my last working day. We had the obligatory office party in the late afternoon and we talked and laughed and I had bought cake and they had bought farewell presents…

I received the obligatory coffee mug – nobody can leave the institute without one – and a large number of carefully chosen further presents (with obvious input from our former secretary). Then there was the obligatory farewell card – nobody can leave the institute without one – written by our most creative colleague who always take care to write something special. The atmosphere was lighthearted, but I did ask them beforehand not to make me cry, so maybe they were extra careful.

The best present, however, was a very big and very unexpected hug from Mr. Attractive downstairs… While it was certainly worth it (mmmh… can I go back for more?) I’m somewhat glad I’m leaving – he has the potential to turn into a very serious and very dangerous addiction…

So, I’m now officially without job. Or between jobs. Or simply unemployed. So far it feels like I’m on vacation, with a big surprise trip awaiting me – and in a sense this is exactly what’s going to happen.

It is strange somehow though what a difference choice makes. Two years ago I was also unemployed – and I panicked. It came rather unexpectedly and I didn’t have any contingency plans, so I fell into a big hole. The funny thing is that at that point already I had considered to take six months off and go to Japan to learn the language – but I was too scared and rather took the safe option in Germany. I wonder what… oh well, spilt milk…

And now? No idea, I’m pretty open. I have found three rather interesting job ads online, both within and without my field of expertise, and with a bit of help from my tandem partner Tomoko I’ll apply for all of them. We’ll see what’s happening.

Until then, I’ll enjoy my vacation.

Money Matters

Japanese currencyThe Japanese legal tender is the Japanese Yen, written as ¥ or, in Japan, with the Kanji 円, which also means “round”. The Japanese pronunciation is “en”.

There are coins for 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, and 500 yen, and banknotes for 1000, 5000, and 10.000 yen (thanks to Tokyoship for the image). Technically, there are banknotes for 2000 yen as well, but during all my stays in Japan, I have never come across any of those.

Although Japan is a thoroughly modern industrialized country, it is still pretty much a cash society. Credit cards are not readily accepted, but you can pay your Shinkansen tickets with one, online bookings in general of course, and large chain stores or hotels usually accept them also. I did have a problem in one of the smaller hotels I stayed in though, where my card didn’t work for some reason or other – so it’s a good idea to bring enough cash for these types of emergencies. In general I’d say as long as you are out and about in the bigger cities, credit cards in major venues should work fine, but for smaller towns or places you should bring enough cash – which is usually more than you thought you’d need.

Naturally, running around with huge wads of cash is not everybody’s cup of tea, so there must be a way of getting some in Japan, right? Well, there is… but it’s unusually bothersome – for a modern country at least. Thanks goodness ATM’s are common, but then again, you will need the special animal called “international ATM”, and those are a comparatively rare species. Usually they can be hunted down in larger post offices (which is good because post offices are more numerous than banks), but caveat emptor! I recall that in the main post office in Fukuoka, there were about 10 ATM’s, but only a single one accepted my bank card… Also, there is one chain of convenience stores (I think it’s 7-11, but I’m not sure anymore) that have international ATM’s as well. They are easy to spot though – either it says somewhere “International” or the Maestro sign is prominently displayed. If you’re card is rejected, it was the wrong machine…

On my first trip to Japan in 2007, I had the luck of losing my bank card… I still had my credit card, so I thought it should be easy to get a cash advance on it. Well yes, but I had to try out three banks until I found one that would do something like that. Thinking back, I am wondering what the problem was – that nobody would speak English well enough? That they were not ready to deal with that so early on a Monday morning? In any case, getting a cash advance on your credit card is another way of getting cash in Japan. And I hope that in all those years the banks are more ready to hand you your own money.

Japan is a wonderful place to spend lots of money – be it on travelling, food, gifts… The only thing you don’t have to worry about is tipping. As with most Asian countries, tipping is unheard of, in fact, some people may even find it offensive if you tried. Well, at least one thing to be cheap.


I booked my ticket. One way only. The flight is on May 4th, 11:20 and I will arrive in Japan on May 5th, 12:00.

It is very exciting and I feel exhilarated. Finally I’m moving forward.

There are so many little things to still take care of though. Sometimes, when I look at those and the pile of boxes in my apartment, I wish I could just get up, close the door and leave everything behind.

And then I remember that unresolved issues have the tendency to return and haunt you when you least expect it…


Home Sweet HomeThe last two days I spent in Austria. I visited the old house, some family and friends. I didn’t really want to go, and the experience met my expectations.

First thing I went to our old house. It feels cold and abandoned. Some furniture is still there, some random bits and pieces, but it appears like a shell thrown aside, unneeded, unwanted. I took a few of the things left over from the move with me, tidied a bit here and there, but in the end it made me feel too depressed to be there alone, so I called a friend to pick me up.

Meeting members of my family was not too pleasant either. So far, everybody I have told about my plans was encouraging. Of course I got some tough questions and the occasional blank stare, but the vast majority of responses was of a positive “you go girl” fashion.
Not so my family. It’s not that I was surprising them with my decision out of the blue. I started talking of going to Japan for good about 6 months ago. And for some 10 years already it has been clear that the chances of me returning to Austria are minuscule.
And still, now that I go there to bid farewell, what do I get?
Thinly veiled accusations of “you’re leaving me behind alone – how dare you”, not even an attempt to understand what I’m up to, topped up with tears that may or may not have conveyed a genuine feeling, and hugs that were all but suffocating. The general sentiment was one of “I cannot possibly understand why anyone would want to do something as crazy as that, so I think it’s better if you don’t do it either”.
Where other people have their families as support- and safety network, I got a spider’s web controlling me with ought to be’s and do’s and cannot’s. Fascinating what is visible once you take a step back.
I’m done there. No more.
No more coulda/woulda/shoulda, no more supposed to do, no more pretend to be to pacify others.
No more.

Only my life with people I choose to have part in it.

Speaking of such people – and to end this post on a positive note – I had most amazing time with my friend. As she knew this would be my last time in Austria for quite a while, she decided to pamper me.
It was wonderful: We made my favourite sweets – in perfect division of labour she did most of the cooking and I did most of the eating. We went shopping in case there is nothing to buy in Japan. And we both drooled over McDreamy of Grey’s Anatomy with a bottle of sparkling wine and ended up talking until 2 am.

That part of my trip was perfect.
I’m glad I went.

Japan Rail Pass

If you’re going to Japan and are planning to see more than just Tokyo or Kyoto, you should definitely get a Japan Rail Pass. It allows you to take any JR train – which includes the Shinkansen and even some overland buses – with a minimum amount of hassle within a specified time period for a lump sum payment upfront.

Note that a Japan Rail Pass is available only for people who enter Japan on a tourist visa and can only be bought abroad. It is not available for sale in Japan.

The procedure to get one is as follows: Go to the Japan Rail Pass site and find a local travel agency that sells exchange orders. You pay upfront for your exchange order – depending on whether you need one for adults/children, for ordinary travel or green cars (those are first class) and on the amount of days you want to travel (7, 14, or 21) – and after your payment has been received, you will get the exchange order for your rail pass.

Once you have landed in Japan, you can go to a JR ticket counter (the one at the airport is best, imo) and get the real pass for your exchange order. You need to show your tourist visa and can indicate the starting day of your Rail Pass.

Rail Pass
Exchange Order and Japan Rail Pass

From there, it’s travelling bliss… All you need to do is to go to a manned ticket gate (the pass won’t fit through the normal slots of the machines), show the pass and go through. Sometimes there are different gates for going in and out the paid zone, but unless you come at a very busy time, the staff will be friendly about it. If you travel by high speed Shinkansen, it’s better to reserve a seat – just go to a ticket counter, show the pass and get a reservation, they are always free!

When I go to Japan this time, I will not get a Rail Pass, as I am not planning to travel, but I did buy one for 21 days last year. It was rather expensive (the exchange rates were bad), but as I was travelling up and down Honshu, it was worth it nonetheless. Enjoy!

Here is the Japan Rail Pass homepage with all info you may need.