Work is keeping me busy – which is good, but also very tiring… Currently I am trying to find a nice and cheap way to attract people to my new website, and I also have to add more contents to the website as well to that said people are enticed to stay and/or return. There are also a few other things I need to do on top of that, which also take up a lot of extra time.
A few days ago I received an unexpected present: a DVD of the film “Koto” where I was an extra, there is one scene where I am featuring prominently in the middle of the screen, and another one where I can be seen in the background if you know to look for me. There were two more scenes where I was present in, but they did not make it into the final film. It’s a nice move I received the DVD though, certainly something to watch when my Japanese improves – there are no subtitles, of course.
In other news, it seems that finally the tsuyu – the rainy season – has arrived, about one month late. Up until now it was surprisingly cool and dry, but this week it started raining, and it became more humid. The coming weekend especially will be hot, it may be time to get out my fan again and remove the blanket from my bed.
Unfortunately these days, I don’t have much time to write decent posts for this blog. Because I am so busy, I am not doing much else than working, and I guess you are not really interested in reading about me and my adventures with Japanese advertising… So, I have decided to take a break next week where I can focus on other things and hopefully be back and write more interesting posts again. I do have a very nice picture planned for Sunday, but after that my next post will be on Tuesday, July 11th.
Maybe you could add recommendations for restaurant/cafés/shops (wagashi, bakeries, boutiques, etc.) that are in the same area. Said establishments might be willing to offer vouchers for your visitors… (win-win… they get ‘cheap’ advertising and vouchers attract more people to the site) Or even have a whole section on it’s own for stuff like this…
btw. one more thing I thought of regarding advertising… since your main audience are probably expats: have you tried reaching out to embassies? they might be willing to put a leaflet somewhere or maybe mention you in a newsletter they provide for their expat community…
Enjoy your break, hope you get everything done you set out to do. 🙂