Snowy Kyoto!

What a wonderful weekend! It was snowing for the first time this winter! And because it is quite cold at the moment, there is still snow in Kyoto today – I LOVE IT!

Snowy path with gateIt started snowing Saturday afternoon, and on Sunday morning, when it was snowing quite heavily, I went out for some two hours or so, and then had breakfast in a cafe (something I rarely do) before going home again. I did not take that many pictures because it was mainly gray anyway, but I’m happy to share some of the better ones.Shrine at KitashirakawaBuddhist Temple in Snow

2 thoughts on “Snowy Kyoto!”

    1. You know me too well… ๐Ÿ˜‰
      Honestly, first snow is the one and only day where I don’t mind the cold – I just HAVE to go out and enjoy the falling snow, no matter how wet it is or how wet and cold I will be when I get home. It’s like a switch being flicked in my head – first snow means instant happiness for me.

      Now, if there’s any psychiatrist out there who’d like to have a stab at this one… ๐Ÿ˜›

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