Clearing Out

Almost. I am almost finished moving. I bought a pillow and a futon yesterday, so I am ready to move in. My last trip to the new place was at 8 pm, but by then I had everything there (except my laptop and a few clothes). I was too tired to put things away by that time – even the wine had to stay out of the fridge – so I went back to my old room, where I spent my last night.

All that remains doing is to clean the room here, wash the sheets, clean out the fridge and a few dishes. After that, a shower and then I will be gone. It was nice to stay here, the landlady is a star, my housemates were generally very pleasant too. But now, it is time to move on, literally.

Below a few impressions of my new apartment as I move into it. The rooms are empty, but will be filled with things soon, I’m sure. It will take a while for my other belongings to arrive here, I may post more pictures when I am done moving in.

This is the hallway. At the end of it my future office (which I’m not showing you because it has piles of my stuff in there) with a balcony. Just before, the door to the living space at the right. The folding thing in the foreground at the left is the “door” to the bathroom, which I will not show you either – it’s a rather dreary, greenish plastic molded thing, typical Japanese. I’m glad I’m not one of these people who spend hours in the bathroom…

hallwayNext up: the LDK, combined living/dining room and kitchen. This is the part with the hard floor, the room with the tatami I will use as Japanese living room or guest room. The kitchen is in the back, the sliding door you see there leads to my bedroom.LDK

 Here are the same rooms, taken from the guest room. You can see the kitchen from here. Note the large built-in closet in this room. In the back, the door to the hallway.livingroomThis is the kitchen. The gas range and fridge are new, the rest is old, and will require some serious cleaning. I am surprised that the surfaces feel so grimy, after all, Japanese do not use that much oil for cooking… In the back, again the living/dining room.kitchenFinally, a picture of the bedroom, or rather, of its closets. This is the only room facing north, so I hope it will be cool in summer. It has 4.5 tatami and its own balcony. bedroom closetNote that this will be the last post for a while – I have no internet in my new apartment just yet, so I will take this as a welcome break from all the blogging. I hope to be back soon with fresh new impressions of my new surroundings and plans.

2 thoughts on “Clearing Out”

  1. Congratulations! This place looks really neat!
    I wish you a marvellous time in your new home!

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