Visit to Otsu

The weather was fantastic the last few days, with sunshine and up to 20 degrees. So, I took advantage of this and went to Otsu to visit Sekisemimaru Shrine. This ancient shrine was founded in the Heian period. It comes in two parts, an upper and a lower shrine, and it is home to the god of safe travels in the one and to the goddess of good fortune in the other part of it.

Upper shrine of Sekisemimaru Jinja.

Especially during the Edo period, when the Tokaido (which still passes next to it) saw numerous travellers, the shrine was bustling with worshippers. Sadly, by now it fell to the wayside (quite literally) and is in dire need of a bit of TLC.

I will write about the shrine in my next newsletter (out on Sunday), which I’ll have to finish tonight, so this is just a very short intro. You can always subscribe to my WUIK newsletter or wait until I’ll get to posting the article here as well. For now: good night!

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