I’m Back!

Summer is over – which in Japan means that the humidity dropped considerably and the temperatures are now in the mid-30s. September is also typhoon season, but the first one that got people worried even up here didn’t even reach Kyoto (it did cause a lot of damage in Kyushu, though.)

In my summer off (from here), I did some serious BATI-HOLIC fangirling (the next two months will be busy in this regard…), got caught up on my reading, and finished a few other projects that have been lingering. They run the gamut from personal to house-related and business; I’ve even made progress on a certain long-term pet project of mine.

Speaking of pet: my beloved Pumpkin has made me explore Japan’s health care services in more depth than ever before, and he now owes me money. I’ll give you the details in due course.

Anyway, I’m back for now and will do my best to keep you in the loop two times a week as usual.

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