It’s really cold in Kyoto right now. I’m sleeping with two sweaters and woollen socks because I feel chilled even underneath my thick woollen duvet with extra blanket on top. The house is so much colder than the old apartment; today I woke up to 4 degrees.
Also, it’s snowing again. In all my years in Kyoto, it has never snowed so often and so much as this winter. Of course, I still love the snow, but the novelty wears off quite quickly to be honest. It snowed all afternoon yesterday and all through the night, and it’s still snowing right now. This is my garden this morning at 8:30 am.

Pumpkin is not amused about the temperatures. He loves watching the birds outside, and I think he understands that they are freezing even more than he does. Right now he sits on my lap, purring, happily keeping me from work. I’ll have to relocate him soon…
4 degrees? Inside? O.O I knew Japanese homes were poorly insulated but wow…
As you can see from the photo, my garden is not big enough to sleep in. 😉
So yes, inside. In the morning. In my “winter bedroom”, which has 6 tatami and is upstairs underneath the roof, facing south. I have to keep the door slightly open for Pumpkin, who likes to crawl in with me for some reason but keeps roaming the house from dawn… If it’s getting worse, I can move to one of my 3 tatami rooms, but given the door situation, I’m not sure whether it will make much of a difference.