Today was a holiday, the Shunbun-No-Hi, the day of the vernal equinox that marks the beginning of spring. It is the equivalent to the Shubun-No-Hi in autumn, of which I have written here. As a national holiday, people are supposed to have the day off, but I noticed that some of the construction work in my area continued regardless. You probably only have a day off as a salaryman, office lady, or if you have your own business and can close when you like.
Anyway, the city did seem a bit more quiet today. Traditionally this is one of the days when you visit your family and your ancestor’s graves. I wonder how many people still do this though, there seem to be so many of those occasions. The day was a rather usual spring day: It started out cold and windy, and it rained until noon. Later it became a bit warmer, and in the afternoon I opened the window and lay in the sun for a while. I also did my laundry today and a bit of spring cleaning, just as it’s supposed to be. And now I am ready for the first big Japanese happening in spring:
Hanami – watching the cherry blossoms…